Wildlife Encounters Media
We have tons of additional resources for learning. Check below for our educational videos, coloring pages, editable flyers for your event and photos to help promote your event.
Video Gallery

Camp photos are uploaded!! Check your email inbox for the Google Drive link to view and download photos of your camper. The email will go to the address where you registered for camp. Email will be from info@wildlifeencounters.org, please check your spam filter if you do not receive it.
From all of us at Wildlife Encounters thank you to everyone who helped make camp so successful. We had so much fun this summer and can't wait for Summer Camp 2022!! ☀️ 🏕 🦔 🐍 🦘 🐢 🦎
#summercamp #omaha #nebraska #wildlifeencounters

A camp we have been exploring the wildlife and nature we have right here in Nebraska. On our wildlife hikes this week we have spotted snakes, tons of snails, toads, katydids, tons of delicious mulberry’s, mushrooms and many different species of insects. And today we found a tree frog (Copes Gray Tree Frog) 🐸 many of campers were not aware we have tree frogs in Nebraska so it was a great learning experience to be able view him and then set him back free.
#camp #summercamp #omaha #nebraska #wildlifeencounters

Kangaroo day! Campers got to meet our Roos today and they had a great time! 🦘. Campers also got to meet a prairie dog, milk snake, owl, blue and gold macaw and a tortoise! Tons more animals ambassadors to meet tomorrow!
#omaha #nebraska #wildlifeencounters #summercamp

Huge Thanks to our park ranger friends at Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail! They visited our campers to talk about being a park ranger, instruct on nature hikes, create plant presses and how to use our senses to observe nature around us. Thanks for being an incredible part of our camp!

Campers had a blast painting the van. We had a competition between the girls and guys on who could do the best new paint job on our van. The girl team definitely won!
#summercamp #omaha #wildlifeencounters #omahanebraska #summer

We have been so busy at camp and wildlife presentations we haven’t had time to upload any photos. Our first week of camp has been a blast! Campers have done some incredible activities including:
*Meet animals like a honey bear, kangaroo, alligators, armadillos, tortoise, tarantulas, bearded dragons, tegu lizard, macaws, owls and many more.
*Nature hikes - we collected samples to view under our microscope, caught bugs to identify via our lcd microscopes
*Visit come our friends at Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
*Campers learned about the training techniques of K9 dogs at Omaha Police Department
*crafts like making a painted pet rock, creating your own animal nightlight/statue,
*Science experiments like egg drop, hatching triops from eggs (an actual prehistoric animal), using water and air pressure to shoot rockets 100ft in the air.
We will be updating all the photos and videos to an album to be shared with summer camp parents and guardians. We’ll email that out as soon as possible. One more day of camp with this great crew!
#summercamp #omaha #omahasummer #wildlifeencounters

When you are up all night building the perfect nest, it’s time to sleep! Armadillos like Bisquit, our 3 banded armadillo, like to burrow in blankets, hay and grasses. He received a new fleece pouch yesterday. So he compiled all of his hay and stuffed it in the pouch to build his nesting area. #armadillo #wildlife #animals #omaha #nebraska #3bandedarmadillo